Two new hens with some issues

Cj Tracker

Apr 18, 2020
I bought two news girls and are currently quarantining them in the smaller coop and run. They are socialization with my current flock through the fence and everyone seems interested and docile.
The person I got them from handled them not so gently and the one girl has a limp as a result, the other has intermittent wheezing going on. They were inside a run not too crowded though I don't think either were exposed to outside air or much freedom.Both had digestive stress upon arrival (maybe parasites?), to be sure I've added food grade DE as well as some apple cider vinegar to their food and water.
My one concern is the limping girl might get picked on? I have a very energetic rooster. The girls are Wyandotte and rather big and hippy hens so bigger than my Easter egger and ISA browns.
Any suggestion to integrating and how I might help the limp on one and wheeze of the other? Both are eating and drinking, seem active and well otherwise.
Thank you!
How long have you had them? The reason for quarantine would be to make sure they can not pass something to your flock. I hope the wheeze is not a contagious respiratory issue. When you do mix make sure to have places they can hide, but not get trapped. I have had limping hens in with the flock. Once order is established it should work. My limping hen was somewhere in the middle of the pecking order.
How long have you had them? The reason for quarantine would be to make sure they can not pass something to your flock. I hope the wheeze is not a contagious respiratory issue. When you do mix make sure to have places they can hide, but not get trapped. I have had limping hens in with the flock. Once order is established it should work. My limping hen was somewhere in the middle of the pecking order.
I got them this past Saturday. I planned on trying to introduce outside their pen this Saturday, not sure though.
The other hen (limp) isn't wheezing and she's been in the same smaller coop with her since I got them together
I got them this past Saturday. I planned on trying to introduce outside their pen this Saturday, not sure though.
The other hen (limp) isn't wheezing and she's been in the same smaller coop with her since I got them together
I have a 10x12 coop with six nesting boxes, 3 roosting bars, and some straw bales to access the loft area but they are just starting to jump into a tree branch I have in the smaller coop so I don't expect then to use the loft.
The run is 50x 15 but not sure it has hiding areas per se. What would you suggest to put in there?
I have my feed barrels in the corners pulled a little from the walls. Considering the health issues, I would wait longer to mix the birds.
I have my feed barrels in the corners pulled a little from the walls. Considering the health issues, I would wait longer to mix the birds.
Ok, the post wheezy girl sneezed a few times today when I was putting feed out and breaking through the ice water.
My old flock keeps going to the pen and peering in they are very interested.
I'm going to look in the posts but any advice on remedying the sneezing/wheezing besides the vitamins and enzymes in the water?
Thank you!!

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