Two of my chickens are standing still, puffed up and are closing their eyes



Jul 14, 2022
More information : my other 3 chickens are just fine. My father put some diatomaceous earth on them just in case it was mites. The two chickens drank a bit and ate the cheese I tried to give them (the blue one wouldn't take her food) The red one seems in a better shape, she walked a bit and ate more. But the blue one juste keep 'falling asleep' and she now is closer to laying than standing. It was hot yesterday (around 25-30°C) I don't know what to do, I need help please.


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hello @Amy-Joy , welcome to BYC :frow and I'm sorry it is not in better circumstances. Both those birds are very poorly.

The more information you can give about these birds (how old, how long you've had them, laying? what's their poop like?) and the conditions they live in (from their coop and what the season is where you live, to what and how much they normally eat and drink), the more chance you have of getting appropriate and useful advice on what to do to help them.
They are about 8 months old and I've had them for about 3 months. Right now it's summer, they can run around freely in the garden. The blue one lays but the red one was a broody chicken a few weeks ago so I don't really know if she started laying again. I don't really know how much they drink/eat but they do get leftovers like a bit of rice or different vegetables. I usually see them walking around, looking for insects in the garden or taking dust baths
The blue one seems to be trembling a bit when I touch her and she making noises


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The red one ran when she saw my giving food to others and the blue one came to but she walked. They both ate and drank a bit. The blue one just pooped and it was pretty liquid


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Yes they have chicken food and we give them fresh water (But it gets dirty pretty quickly so we change it regularly)
OK, let's keep working through possibilities.
What sort of chicken food do you give them?
Have you ever medicated them? If so, with what?
Have you seen any parasites on them?
What sort of coop have you got and how often do you clean it?
My father is the one who cleans the coop and he's not home right now so I can't ask him. I don't think we've ever medicated them (and I don't know if they ever have been medicated before we got them). We had given them diatomaceous earth a few weeks back because we had seen some type of flees but since then, we didn't see some on them (saw a bit of them around the coop but on the outside) My father put some diatomaceous earth in the coop this morning just in case.


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OK. Can you pick up one of them (probably the blue one as she's less active), wrap an old towel or tea towel around her body not too tight but just enough to keep her wings closed and next to her body, and then, with her facing backwards so her head is under your arm/elbow, part the feathers at her rear end around the vent and have a good look. You are looking for anything moving, and white/grey lumps right at the base of the feathers next to the skin. This image is from

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