Two of my layers stoped laying.


In the Brooder
Jun 18, 2020
I have two silkies/polish hen's and hat stopped laying for three days now.
I was getting 4 or 5 eggs every 3 days.
They also don't come out of the nesting box as much as they use to. Every day they get to free range for 2 hours or more and they can run around in their run all day. I think they are about 8-10 months old. Any ideas would be appreciated.
They could be starting a broody spell, wanting to sit on a clutch of eggs. Or they could be sick. Check themmover well, and look for signs of broodiness. Silkies always go broody, and will drive you crazy. If you don’t want them to sit on eggs, remove them from the nest box into a wire dog crate with no bedding, but with food and water and a little roost if possible. They need to stay there for 3-5 days or more if they run back to the nest box.

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