Two too weak to stand


7 Years
May 14, 2012
I have two, one day old chicks that are coming along slowly. One is sitting up, but still unable to get it's feet directly underneath itself and raise up....I've helped steady it, but it just doesn't seem to be strong enough yet....legs are straight....the other has been laying its head down all day, and here just recently has been slightly lifting its head. Same thing with it's legs though, they're straight but just can't get em underneath and raise up! I know they are good on food/ water for three days, but I've droppered a bit of water for them to maybe help build their strength. I read somewhere too that Gatoraide can help also. The weaker one barely will open it's eyes....peeps, moves, but eyes remain shut. They aren't gunked up, or watery, and I have seen them open slightly....but mostly remain shut! Any suggestions??
It can be rough on chicks which are still getting accustomed to a new home, especially as young as that. And it will take them a while to find their feet and stand up steady. Gatorade is a good suggestion, and I've heard that some people put molasses in the water too. Make sure they've got plenty to drink. Make sure there's also no poo stuck on the feathers round their vent. Hopefully after a few days of strength building they'll be okay. Good luck :)

And :welcome
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Unfortunately the weakest one passed today. I didn't get my hopes set high for him...knew he wasn't doing the greatest. The other one however is finally starting to hobble around. His legs are underneath him now, and it seems he's getting stronger. He's even starting to peck at food so I put a small dish on chick start and some vitamin water in his "personal box". He's in the same brooder as the others that hatched, but has his own personal space so the others don't trample him.
Thanks for your concern...the other chick is doing great! He's walking strongly on his own and I was able to move him in with the other chicks. It's funny, four of the chicks are a weak older and her tries to nestle under them like they are momma!
That is pretty cute. Awesome that they're all getting along okay! Smooth integrations are always the best :D I suppose the age gap is small enough to allow that.

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