Two year old hen... no eggs


12 Years
Apr 13, 2007
Portland Oregon
We have a two year old Golden-Laced Wyandotte who has never laid an egg! Last year I thought she was laying, but turns out it was another hens eggs I was seeing. She does free range, but we have a rather small yard and I've searched the places she hangs out during the day to no avail. Should we just give up on her?
Check her vent to see if she may be laying somewhere or not. A red soft vent means she is and a whitish small vent means she isn't. All my hens had layed at one time or another so I wouldn't really know how I'd react to one not ever laying.
Knowing me I'd prob. keep her around.
Jaime200, they probably just need a little more time to get used to all the changes. It's not uncommon for chickens that have been sold and moved to a new house to stop laying for a little bit.
I chuckle when I see a post about low egg production I instantly think about "Little Jerry Seinfeld". Nothing to add I just had a humor moment this morning.

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