Type A Researcher Just Beginning


May 24, 2020
Washington (the left one)

As the title states, I have a Type A personality and I'm just beginning research. I'm currently located on a continent far far away from most of you, but will be returning home soon to my family in western Washington. I've been able to talk my husband into chickens so I want to get all my ducks (ha!) in a row before beginning that journey. I'll most likely be home around the middle to end of summer, so I know that's not an ideal time to start chicks, so I'm totally ok with waiting until the spring if need be.

I grew up in a very rural area in Michigan on a hobby horse farm across the road from our family's dairy farm. Livestock isn't new to me, but I never had chickens. We have two young children who I want to teach the values that come with taking care of livestock (eventually, we'll move to a larger area where I can have goats, and maybe some alpacas or horses, but for now our 1/3 acre place won't house much).

I'm looking to learn from you all and get some chickens that are decent to good layers, but that are great with kids because mine will just want to cuddle them. We have two cats, but they won't meet them as they are indoor cats, and a Doberman who I had been training for search and rescue before I sent off to my current location.

Top chickens on my current list (which will most likely change, but it's a start): Buff Orpington, Plymouth Rock, Easter Egger, and Silkie. My current location only allows 5 hens on our size land, so I'll probably keep it at 4, but maybe 5. I'd like to start out with a couple different breeds so I know what I like/don't for when we buy a different place and can get more (hopefully in two years).

Those are all good breeds!! I’ve had all of them except for Silkies and I absolutely love them!! The Easter Eggers are especially fun.

My Black Australorps are also very friendly and love being held and my White Leghorn is very curious, inquisitive, and smart, and not at all flighty like some say. Though she doesn’t really like to be held. But very friendly and personable and a fun bird. And great layer!! Huge white egg every single day. :D

Not to add more breeds to your list. :lau :oops:

The ones you listed are all excellent breeds if you wanted to stick with those! :D
Please do add to my list! At some point before I get home, I'll be put into a two week restriction of movement where I have to stay in a hotel room for two weeks and won't be allowed to leave the room. Unless you all want 678,564 new threads from me during those two weeks, I need to stay busy researching. LOL


Those are all good breeds!! I’ve had all of them except for Silkies and I absolutely love them!! The Easter Eggers are especially fun.

My Black Australorps are also very friendly and love being held and my White Leghorn is very curious, inquisitive, and smart, and not at all flighty like some say. Though she doesn’t really like to be held. But very friendly and personable and a fun bird. And great layer!! Huge white egg every single day. :D

Not to add more breeds to your list. :lau :oops:

The ones you listed are all excellent breeds if you wanted to stick with those! :D
Please do add to my list! At some point before I get home, I'll be put into a two week restriction of movement where I have to stay in a hotel room for two weeks and won't be allowed to leave the room. Unless you all want 678,564 new threads from me during those two weeks, I need to stay busy researching. LOL
Well, in that case, Delaware and Speckled Sussex are also great breeds! ;) :lau 🙈

Though we are happy to have you either way!! :D

I post probably way too much and they haven’t kicked me out yet. :lau :D

That sounds like torture!! Haha may I ask why you’ve been separated so long? You don’t have to answer if you’d rather not.
Well, in that case, Delaware and Speckled Sussex are also great breeds! ;) :lau 🙈

Though we are happy to have you either way!! :D

I post probably way too much and they haven’t kicked me out yet. :lau :D

That sounds like torture!! Haha may I ask why you’ve been separated so long? You don’t have to answer if you’d rather not.

We are a military family and I've been away since early last summer.
hello @JenCee - welcome to BYC :frow

I recommend Swedish Flower Hens, if you are going to let them free range. They are reasonable layers of medium-large tinted eggs, great foragers (really keep the bugs down on your plot, and scarify any lawn you might have) and one of ours comes to us for cuddles (I handle my birds only when necessary; this is one that stands on my feet wanting to be picked up, since my son first picked her up). They also look lovely :D

PS I've never had a Silkie, but my understanding is they lay few eggs and go broody often, so if you are not able to increase your numbers of birds, that might not be a good idea.
hello @JenCee - welcome to BYC :frow

I recommend Swedish Flower Hens, if you are going to let them free range. They are reasonable layers of medium-large tinted eggs, great foragers (really keep the bugs down on your plot, and scarify any lawn you might have) and one of ours comes to us for cuddles (I handle my birds only when necessary; this is one that stands on my feet wanting to be picked up, since my son first picked her up). They also look lovely :D
I won't be able to let them free range on our small lot unless we are outside. But I haven't heard of that breed before, thanks!
Wyandotte bantams. Most are very friendly & docile & they are a good child size. They lay a small to medium brown egg. My Aracaunas are also very friendly; blue eggs. I've had/have both BRs & Australorps. They are lovely birds & great layers but being on the bigger side are heavier & eat quite a bit more than smaller breeds. They also poop more & require a little more space because of their size. All these breeds enjoy free ranging but will tolerate confinement well. My Aracaunas & Wyandottes, being smaller lighter birds, are fence hoppers & fly rather well. :D Something to consider when planning your coop & run area.

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