Ugh, when it rains, it pours! Warning, RANT!

I know what you mean. We are trying to conceive also and have had a very tough week. We had to put an aggressive dog down on Wednesday and today lost a goat. This was our week of vacation too. I hope your luck changes too.
Oh man, I'm so sorry to hear about your dog and goat, I hope things turn around soon for you. I hope there are babies in both our futures very soon.

I have a friend who is 4 months pregnant, and I am so jealous of her, but she and her husband tried for 11 months for this baby, so I guess I can't be jealous yet, Hubby and I have only been trying 6-7 months. I just thought it would be so much easier, I'm 22 & Hubby is 29, and We live in a college town where I keep seeing these young girls who are pregnant and probably don't want to be. Also about 4 months ago I had a friend have a abortion, and both hubby and I cried over that, we wondered why she got to be pregnant even though she doesn't want it, yet we who want it are having a hard time. I hope mother nature is just waiting until the perfect time for us

Good luck,
If you need to talk about anything, feel free to email me, I was emailing back and for with the friend I mentioned, but now that she is pregnant, we don't talk as much anymore, we have different issues now. I'm happy for her, she just has a lot going on now.
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