Ugliest chicken contest!

If Buck doesn't win, I'll be a monkey's uncle!
name, Bill Jr.
gender, 7 month Cockrel
breed, Mixed Mutt
when you took the photo, Yesterday

Bill Jr. was very sick as a Chick, but he made it and now is very skinny with very long legs, BUT loves the young hens!

name, Bill Jr.
gender, 7 month Cockrel
breed, Mixed Mutt
when you took the photo, Yesterday

Bill Jr. was very sick as a Chick, but he made it and now is very skinny with very long legs, BUT loves the young hens!

It's possible I could grow to love Bill Jr. If he were mine, I'm sure I'd love him. Since he's not mine....ummmmm...take good care of him, he may grow into a real beauty.
I think Bill Jr. is very cool!! He looks like a black modern game bantam. He is going to be stunning when he gets all his feathers in. Best of luck with him, I hope he is healthy now.

As for the others, LOL, I dont think anything could be uglier than them. LOL. They are very cute in their own way.

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