Ugly Babies?

I am so sorry this happened to you, I was just going to suggest you try and sell on craigs list so you don't have to "process" them.
I'm glad you found out through the BYC community rather than watching your babies die from weight gain. =/
It really saddens me. Do you think you will get some proper Leghorns after this?
I'm glad I found out sooner rather than later too. I'm especially glad I found out here at BYC; I LOVE this community! I hope to get some Leghorns sometime. They'd make a good addition to my little flock of brown egg layers.

PopTart...they are so sweet and goofy. It's a shame that personality is in a creature that's not meant to live long....
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Sorry this happened to you, same thing happened to us when someone gave us some chicks they used to pose with Easter pics. I did the same thing. Posted pics of my 2 banties and 8 "leghorns" only to find out they were cornish Xs. We had grown attached to them and the kids even named them. We had to give them away because we would have never been able to do the deed ourselves. But they did get huge, ate a bunch and pooped alot. Since we bought new chicks we still havnt had to clean the brood as much as when we had them lol. Its very disheartening
hope you do as we did and find your Leghorns.
Well, thankfully, we were able to take the babies to a man that has raised chickens forever. He was happy to take them and he'll have no problem doing the 'deed' when the time comes; he's an old pro at it. Thank you, everyone, for your support and help and your hugs! This is a fantastic community and I'm so glad I'm a part of it!
Well, thankfully, we were able to take the babies to a man that has raised chickens forever. He was happy to take them and he'll have no problem doing the 'deed' when the time comes; he's an old pro at it. Thank you, everyone, for your support and help and your hugs! This is a fantastic community and I'm so glad I'm a part of it!

I'm coming in late to this thread but wanted you to know how happy I am you found a place for them to go.
Good luck on finding your leghorns!

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