Uh oh....suspecting respritory disease in one of our birds...

Sounds awesome!
The only road kill I can say I have ever smelled, has been skunk!

Nothing dripping from her eye or puss...there is a lump under the surface of the skin, on the side of her face. Eye is not visibly swollen, just closed.
She sounds like a very loud purring cat. Her crop seems firm and lumpy, but she has good color everywhere else. Her tail feathers are up and she's been pooping fine I think.

oh sorry, I am seeing above what the others should be treated with...
I meant the others, as in the other diseases such as MG, ILT, and infectious bronchitis--not the other chickens. Sorry for the confusion. Sulfadimethoxine or Sulmet should be only used in the chickens showing symptoms for coryza.
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I meant the others, as in the other diseases such as MG, ILT, and infectious bronchitis--not the other chickens.  Sorry for the confusion.  Sulfadimethoxine or Sulmet should be only used  in the chickens showing symptoms for coryza.  

Oh! Thank you for clarifying!
OKAY - so I got in touch with a vet and a really nice guy came out to look at Maple.
He does not suspect anything serious with her eye or a serious respiratory disease. He said he could smell infection or rot that may be coming from her cop and sinuses. She has some sinus discharge.

I had picked up some super booster from the farm store and he gave me some more powder to mix in the water for 7 days, a break for 7 and then another 7 days. He said I don't have to isolate her and I can treat them all. (Which is good...poor Maple was NOT happy being away from her sisters and the others were equally mad that she was gone)

He said it's likely related to the cool, damp weather we have been having. Their pen is dry and clean, but she might have pecked at a bug or something along the way.

I am relieved...happy to have answers and solution.


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