Uh oh, they came home with us...


7 Years
May 19, 2014
Georgetown, TX
My wonderful husband decided that if I wanted some chickens I should go get some. We already have 5 ducks so I kinda have an idea of what I'm getting into. I was just going to get 2 but I'm too paranoid one will die or be a roo. You know how chicken math works ;) so here are my girls. I have an Easter egger, black australorp and a gold sex link. Please tell me my neighbors won't hate me in a few months. Between the ducks, dogs, cat and kids our place is very active for suburbia.
My wonderful husband decided that if I wanted some chickens I should go get some. We already have 5 ducks so I kinda have an idea of what I'm getting into. I was just going to get 2 but I'm too paranoid one will die or be a roo. You know how chicken math works
so here are my girls. I have an Easter egger, black australorp and a gold sex link. Please tell me my neighbors won't hate me in a few months. Between the ducks, dogs, cat and kids our place is very active for suburbia.
Having 3 chicks of 3 different breeds brings the exponents into chicken math. 3 chicks X 3 breeds X 5 years= 45 chickens. Congratulations

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