Uh Oh - Trouble in Paradise already! Help/info please


10 Years
Feb 12, 2009
Western North Carolina
I just adopted a crippled Ringneck and put him in with my female. She pecked the poo out of him. His head and back of neck are a bloody mess. They are now seperated and alone again. I adopted the male to keep the female company and so he wouldn't be alone anymore. My questions are:
Can they not be housed together? Male and a female?
Is it just this female?
Is it because he is crippled?
Can anyone help me figure out what to do?
You can not throw a new bird into an established pen,whether there is a hen in it or a male.You need to put all birds into a new pen that none have been in.
In N.H.,Tony.
I did. The female came from the pigeon aviary and the male came from the rescue. I put them in a pen of their own. Their pen is pretty big for just the two of them. They have a house to go into like a large dog house and in the pen part, it is full enclosed, large, predator proof, with perches. It should be ideal in my opinion. Maybe she is just mean. She is bossy with everyone (pigeons, quail). I just hated for her to be alone. Maybe she prefers it. Is this possible?
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I'm really beginning to think she is the problem. I wanted a friend for her and I wanted to move her out of the pigeon aviary because she was (or tried to be) mean to everyone.
Maybe put them in close together where they can see each other but not touch. I have introduced some new ones to my flock of pheasants and usually no problems but they are originally in adjacent pens first for awhile. We don't pen the older ones up anymore. They free range. So far they have not wondered off very far and they always come back.


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