Well I have done better this week remembering to do the things I need to get done. Or so I thought then I noticed I had been forgetting my afternoon dose of medication all week. I forgot to wear my watch which has an alarm for the afternoon dose. Well with all the battles I fight I quess this is one I will continue to fight. (The did I or didn't I do that???)
All I have is menapause on my side of forgetfullness.
At my DD wedding June of 2010, I had all the buttiniers and corsages for members of the wedding party ect....sitting on the kitchen table........WELL NO ONE else rembered them either so I REALLY don't put all the blame on me. They were in plain sight...someone could have said "wow those look really nice can I wear one?"
HOW could I have forgotten THAT!!!!
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Well, if we're talking menopause - I had to go on the estrogen patch for a while because my brain was estrogen-deprived. That was the official diagnosis, after months of trying to figure out what was wrong. There's this thing called the menopause "fog" that no one warned me about.

Turns out, I had it really bad. I would walk into a room and not only could I not remember why I went in there, I couldn't remember what I had been doing before, and I would just get 'stuck' standing there trying to get the gumption up to do anything. I couldn't read - because I couldn't concentrate long enough to get thru a paragraph, much less anything longer. I could barely keep things in the house from exploding and that was only because I used Flylady to tell me what to do. I would sit there at the computer and when an email came in, I would get up and go do that thing.

It was terrible. I was afraid I had a brain tumor or early-onset alzheimer's. (I was 45!) Went to the doc and she eventually referred me to a specialist, who did the diagnosis. We did hormone tests and I was in menopause! They started me on a pill, but, even though it seemed like it was starting to help, I couldn't remember to take it. So then we tried the patch - and I honestly felt like the clouds were clearing and I could see blue sky again after a year of storms. I could finally *think* again!

So nowadays, I monitor the situation pretty closely. I went off the patch after I graduated last summer and I'm doing okay. I've always been a bit forgetful and flakey in terms of "getting around to it" or remembering where I put things. But I was usually pretty bright and able to catch on and remember things I read.

Anyways - I'm posting this long story so that other women on this thread who might be in the same situation know there's something that might help.
I forgot to send snacks with my youngest son today it is his day to be snack leader. He had me buy cosmic brownies to take and I totally forgot to send them.

He will be so upset when he gets there and realizes he doesn't have them.
I'm 25. (And yes, I already forget how old I am. I'm always double checking.) I have no excuses.

Its always been something I struggle with. I remember when I was in high school, I had to use the phone before running out to catch the bus. In my hurry to get out the door, I obviously forgot what was in my hand, or where it was suppose to go. When I got home later that day, my dad was so angry and he wanted to know who put the phone in the sink and not in the charger/cradle.
Yep, you guessed it. ME. But I had no memory of it, only that it must have been me because I was the last one out of the house that day. I guess my brain figured every morning I put my breakfast dish in the sink, and went into autopilot.

I'll often forget where I'm going in the car. Or how to get there when its a drive I make ALL. THE. TIME. When its just me and the kids, I don't mind because who's there to tell? I just plug in my GPS or drive around in circles till I find what I'm looking for. Total waste of gas, I know. But when there is someone riding with me, or following behind me while I lead the way, I am so self-conscious about it, which usually just makes it worse.

When it comes down to medications, I begged my doctor to find me something that I would only have to take 1x a day, instead of 2x. At one point I was trying to remember to take meds 4x a day and it was making me so crazy with all the missed doses. Finally I am able to take my medicines all at one time a day. But if it weren't for an app on my smart phone, one that goes off every morning at 8:30 and will continue to chirp at me every couple minutes until I press confirm 3x, I would surely forget.

I almost always forget about letting the dog in at night once I've let her out for her last potty break before bed time. I'm constantly getting up in the pitch dark, and stumbling through the house once everyone else has begun snoring away, to open the door for her. Thank goodness she's a forgiving pooch.

I appreciate the suggestion of more alarm reminders for chicken needs. I will definitely put that into practice when the time comes! It will surely help me in the winter time when all I can think of is being indoors!
I have these problems no head injury its called fibermaylgia part of that is fibor fog I hate it I forget words in the middle of talking, forget to take my pain meds then I am really in trouble. I do have some reminders then the older kids remind me but there are times that gets really old. I had a smart phone that I kept everything in but we did away with our cell phones and mine lost the ball thing and keep forgetting to get it fixed. So I do use sticky pad on the computer and luckily DH does help.
Your dog needs a doggy door. That way she can get her own self out for potty.

I totally understand the issue on meds. I have an alarm set every morning to SMS DH and ask if he took his morning meds. I need to set another reminder for myself cuz I forget them a lot. Ugh.
I was going to say we should start a forum on here for people to remind eachother to put their chickens up, but if you forget to read it I guess it wouldn't help.
I have trouble remembering names of people, places,and things. I have been doing lots of reading recently and I remember all that I read, just have trouble when it comes to explaining it to someone else. The words don't come.

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