I have that trouble too. I can't remember words at times. I forgot about BYC for a long time. I have been busy lately and when I get on the computer my brain just goes blank.
I have that trouble too. I can't remember words at times. I forgot about BYC for a long time. I have been busy lately and when I get on the computer my brain just goes blank.

This explains what has happened to me. I been missing for months now. I think it is because I am just to cold here.
How great...a thread to relate to!!
My forgetfullness comes from a slow growing brain tumor that is also the cause of my trigeminal neuralgia....the absolute worst pain ever!! I forget everything! I have a huge calender right here in front of me where I write everything. No one dare move anything that belongs to me or I'll never find it. I have to do everything in some kind of order/routine...if you change my pattern, I get agitated. My kids say "Mom, remember when"...I don't. It really sucks!
You more than qualify for membership on this thread. You don't need to feel that you need to remember to post, because none of the rest of us can remember to post either.

I can sympathize with the neuralgia pain, it is the pits.
I've fallen on my head a few times. I've even had a electricity run through it a dozen or so times, but mostly my problem is ADHD exacerbated by menopause fog. A running list on the kitchen counter helps most, if I remember to look at it.
Well school starts tomorrow so hopefully I will remember everything I need to do in the morning. I keep reminding myself kids go to school in the morning!

Also everyone on our support group for the forgetful you can add it to your signature line like I have to help remember to check in and help each other remember.
this topic is a God send..... I have Multiple Sclerosis. This disease is robbing me of my memory. It is very sad, I remember very little from the past....daily I am in a fog, I have to be very careful --last weekend I used a pair of sissors to cut a hot dog package apart, I use 1/2 of the package and put the other half... not back in the freezer-but back in drawer where I got the scissors of. I used to get upset with myself
I have learned to be gentle with myself
and be thankful that I am not worse.
I've done the same thing; put the scissors in the fridge and the food in the drawer, and I can't tell you how many times I've opened the refrigerator instead of the microwave or vice versa. I just laugh at the silliness. Getting upset just increases stress, and stress makes my memory worse.
I'm really forgetful, too. It drives my husband crazy because I'll say I'll do something and then I'll forget.
My forgetfulness comes from ADHD and being a stay-at-home-mom to 4 kids.

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