It drives me crazy when I find myself standing in a room, and I don't know why I there, or what I wanted from the room. I can get lost just going from the kitchen sink to the pantry.
I saw you do that oncw, you'll have to forgive me for thinking it was funny.

Today I forgot where the door was and walked into a wall. I'm dead serious, I thought that was where the door was.
Definitely it is your endearing blond quirks.
You can try making you feel better about myself, but the next time I get lost again, I will end up forgetting that you made feel better.
DH has started me on the short term memory being kept in the back pocket. i use an index card on one side it has daily task the have to be done everyday. The other side I jaut down things I need to do or remember. throughout the day DH will ask about my short term memory. If he needs me to remember something he will tell me Hey grab your short term memory. It helps but I still need reminding to check it several times a day and I am always finding them in the laundry. But it helps a lil. If I'm doing good I will have the same index card for 3 days in a row. I don't carry a cellphone any more cause I kept losing it. I don't wait to write something down or I will forget it. I tell people to call me the day of and remind me if they want me to do something for them. I am hopless. But at least I have DH who understands and still loves me and good people like you to share our frustrations with.
My wife and I are both bad with our memories,
but then again, I think that's what's so great about
spending time in the coop - my brain just empties
because it's so peaceful watching the girls go about their

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