I can so relate to what you are saying, though I was blaming the drugs, and brain damage. I take pain meds for extreme pain, and there is the stuff that keeps the bladder spasms at bay, and the blood presure down, and the nerve pain down to a low roar, and the heartburn stuff, and so on. I do know that if I don't take hormone replacement stuff, that I really start to notice how much worse I can feel.

I have become certain that getting old is not for sissies.
If I ever felt normal like some people, I would have so many things to do and to play with. I can only dream that some day there will be a cure for what happens to our bodies as we age.

Menopause is a gift to human women. Every other female on the planet dies pregnant or nursing, but at some point in our evolutionary past, the memories of older women became more valuable to survival than their fertility. I'm grateful that the darn fibroids have shriveled up and gone away with my ovaries.
I LOVE YOU ALL!! I feel so much better about myself after reading all this!! I have to have help from my DH a lot, also seems like most on here are women are we talking about it more than men or are there alot more women this way, I wonder. Anyway guess none of us are alone anymore!! Thanks to the one that started this can't remember what your name is!!! But I remember it was a lady!! Thanks for putting your stories out here!!

Just wanted to add after reading looks like I wonder a lot!! lol
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You are one of the elite few, then.
Wait until you hear the glitter story.

And again, you are one of the elite few. But we can be fun when we aren't busy being weird.

Why wasn't I invited to the glitter episode? Now I just feel left out.

I am sure that at my age, that I could have helped a lot with the creativeness.
Glitter sounds like a lot of fun that could last along time.

Miss Rebekah received a package of craft supplies from her grandma. So she goes running down the stairs to her mom holding a packet of glitter going, "Look, Momma! Gramma sent me FAIRY DUST!!"
Now Mel is a smart woman and knew exactly what would happen if the glitter was opened. "Rebeckah, you go put that in your desk drawer until I can help you with it. DO NOT OPEN IT."
Rebekah went upstairs, opened the glitter, poured it into a Dixie cup, and set it on the floor. Enter the spider. My sister does not like spiders. So she screamed, Mel went running upstairs, tripped on the Dixie cup of 'fairy dust' and all heck broke loose.
About an hour later Rebekah's grandma got a phone call and the little girl was in tears. "G-r-aaaa-m-m-m-a?"
Gramma was concerned and said, "What's wrong, honey?"
"M-m-m-m-momma s-says I c-c-can't have g-g-glitter un-until I-I'm d-dead.
By the way, they still have glitter in the carpet, 1 1/2 years later.
For some reason. Mel doesn't find it nearly as funny as I do.

Today in church I forgot the Doxology.
Of all things to forget, REALLY?!
I got that so bad that I ended up going on the patch. It was WONDERFUL! Felt like the fog had parted and it was a bright sunny day and I could *think*!

Try cohosh first. Or estroven. But if that doesn't help, go get the estrogen patch. Best thing EVER. Especially since I didn't need to remember to take a pill every day... ;-)
So I was so proud of myself last night I remembered to set the coffee pot for the morning, I went and got the cellphone out of the car and remembered to charge it, I remembered to set my alarm clock for the morning.

I was feeling pretty good about things until this morning when I got up to the alarm (the only thing I did right). I went to the kitchen and there was no coffee in the pot just hot water ( forgot the coffee grounds) So I go to put the cellphone in my purse and although I had put in on the charger I forgot to plug the charger in
So I decide ok time for morning chores before I go to town. I forgot to lock the front door of the house.
I get outside the chickens are already out I forgot to close them up.
Walking to the water spicket I notice that I left the car door open the night before and their is a cat sleeping in the back window and the battery was dead.
If you have an Android phone, check out a free app called "Sunset Reminder". Your phone will automatically remind you to put your chickens away evey night, and it automatically adjusts for the changing day length.

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