jeepers, I had something really clever to say here....but it flew.

I have a little ditty I have forced myself to put into routine... as I get out of the car, I repeat... :Keys in pocket, safe to lock it....Keys in pocket, safe to lock it...
It works for me. Now If I could just find my phone....
I've trained myself to always physically *look* at my keys before shutting any door - car, house, hotel... Now, if I could only keep track of my keys and purse in the house! It even has "a place" - but do I put it there every single time? I've gotta start doing that...
thats me if I hear my phone ringing it's a hunt to find it.
I just hate to open the refrigerator, and find that I have no idea why I am standing there with the door open again.

Then there is this major ooops!! All the nasty little dogs went for a unauthorized run the other day, because I forgot to make sure the gate was closed. If something happens to DH's dog, I may as well not be here when he gets home. The little guy is pretty special to DH.
That's not a bad idea. Except for needing to keep it cleaner.
I would still be standing in front of the appliance wondering why I was there again.

I swear that it took me at least an hour, and maybe even 2 hours to get the spading fork out of the garden today. I kept trying to get into the garden, and then after I got in there were so many fun things in there. All I really needed to do was grab the spading fork, and go clean the coop. It would have taken a lot less time if it hadn't taken 3 trips to the garage for gloves either. I guess its a good thing that the place isn't any bigger than it is. I could really lost on 5 acres. I would still like to try that again though.

The coop is less than 25 feet from the garden. I shouldn't get so lost or that distracted.
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