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I have olfa a white star ash a Sussex and daisy a hybrid I don't no if anyone can help but they roam around my garden all day we went away and they stayed in a chicken holiday home the area was closed in when we got back I noticed daisy had plucked her neck and back we check for lice regular can anyone shed any light x
I have olfa a white star ash a Sussex and daisy a hybrid I don't no if anyone can help but they roam around my garden all day we went away and they stayed in a chicken holiday home the area was closed in when we got back I noticed daisy had plucked her neck and back we check for lice regular can anyone shed any light x

Sounds to me like Cockerel damage? Could a rogue male have had access to her?
I have olfa a white star ash a Sussex and daisy a hybrid I don't no if anyone can help but they roam around my garden all day we went away and they stayed in a chicken holiday home the area was closed in when we got back I noticed daisy had plucked her neck and back we check for lice regular can anyone shed any light x

She could have started molting. I have a few birds loosing feathers right now and they are looking pretty ratty. Also whilst they had been away Daisy could have been feather pecked by the others especially if they have not had as much room as they usually would have with you.
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Thank u got a bit worried as we have only been keeping hens for 8 months so still new to some things and they r part of the family thank u again
Well, today was not a great one....went to do chucks & ducks this morning and found my lovely Buff Orpington dead. She had very little weight on her for a big buxom bird despite the fact that I've seen her eating fine. I have no idea why she passed, she was quiet yesterday but she always was a timid girl. Hate it when they just drop...I hope she didn't suffer :-(

Also if anyone can help....I have a young Gold laced Thuringian who sits around all day with his (I think male) eyes closed, when you call him he comes running but I'm not convinced he can see??? If you offer food on your hand, he pecks all around until he finds it, sometimes he bashes in to things but he manages to get around a half acre plot and put himself to bed very well...I am confused...does anyone have any ideas? He does seem to have some blue bruise shapes above both eyes but I'm at a loss as to how and when this happened. Anything I could give a try or am I up for a vet visit? Any help gratefully appreciated.......:( (Pictues on next post... over page on my phone!)
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