UK Member Please Say HI

@rebrascora Great news on your horse, Rebel. Hopefully its nothing too serious with the other horse. A yard by me was on lockdown with strangles earlier this year, only really back up to speed now.

We're going to Nottingham County Show tomorrow so I'm hoping i may pick up some Silkies, must stay disciplined....i came back with 6 various breeds from there last year but i must admit, after 7 losses over the last 3 weeks, the garden is a little more calm and serene and with only the 1 young cockerel instead of 3 marauding around its actually nicely quiet!

Best wishes for speedy recoveries with the neddies.

Sasha x

Good morning Barbara :frow

I'm super pleased to hear Rebel has sorted this issue out by his own means and an op has been diverted, phew!!! They sure do know how to try and bankrupt you!! How some folk think people with horses must have lots of money I will never know. I would be a whole richer if I curbed my animals. I know I spend more on them than myself and their feed bill is as much as grocery shopping :oops:

:fl it's not strangles. It would all be very coincidental if it were with those new horses appearing next to yours. Could you ask who's they are? Does anyone tend to them? I would be wanting answers and quick. I also think you are well within your rights to snitch on the sub letting, I know I would :highfive:

I put the 8 eggs into lockdown last night (after I'd woken up) and they all seem to have live chicks in. Something is certainly moving as this morning a couple of eggs had moved so something is wiggling about :D Time will tell i guess. I wanted to do them earlier but we went out to the rugby club pre match dinner and after four courses I was super full and nodded off in the chair when we got home. I wouldn't mind but I was driver so didn't have a drink and I still nod off!!

The little Pekin cockerel out in the shed has found his voice!! Well found his squeak :gig I got a vid of him this morning so when it decides to upload on you tube I will post it. It's so funny and not very manly at all. Not going to impress the ladies with what he has now!

No riding here either :( Harry came in Wednesday night as it was raining. Got cast in the stable and pulled his back shoe off!! Same one that came off before so the foot was already quite beat up and this has made it worse. Hobbling around on that foot now, it's hot and leg is puffy. Waiting again for farrier to call in and pop it back on.

Think that's about it for now, will pop back in a bit with the most manly cockerel in the world!!

Hope Rebel gets to come home today and you have some normality returned.

Catch you soon

Kim xx
I'm from UK, Norfolk. These are my 8 weekers. I know they are definitely chickens but that's as much as I know
As to breeds and sex, no idea!!

Hope your doing ok Barbara :hugs

Hatch is finally done here, been long and drawn out. Day 21 was Tuesday but the last one hatched last night. All 8 hatched in the end so I have ended up with 2 male and 3 female blacktails, 2 lavender Pekin and 1 black Orpington :clap
Not keeping the cockerels this time so the other half Scott is going to dispatch those for me today. If they were sick I could do them but cute fluff balls I just can't.........

One of the Pekin has a wonky leg stuck out so need to get that fixed with some vet wrap today. Had to finish the zip for the Orpington, it got stuck when turning in the egg and would never have got out with how it was glued to the membrane. Overall a very weird hatch :/ Never had one drag out so long.


Good question! So my daughters school did a project incubating eggs. They got 7 different breed eggs from a breeding farm, but didn't ask what breeds. When hatched they needed homes so I took 3. Hence clueless! 'Dave', the black one is very calm and friendly, a certainly s different shape to the other two. More slender, and less fluffy ( not very technical descriptions!) but he is def no more assertive than the other too. In fact he's very chilled out all in all. Hmmm rumours the breeder might have had 'Norfolk greys', but found very little info on them.

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