UK Member Please Say HI

It's great to have an acre to play with, but it is really more the side of a steep mountain ferns, gorse and sooo many anthills included :rolleyes: chickens don't seem to mind too much luckily :D

How about some goats to help the chickens? :lol:
I wouldn't be able to help myself with the goats if I had an acre!
Another one last night!

Hi, i've just joined today, i'm from Leicestershire in the uk.

I'm from Leicestershire too !!
Just outside Melton Mowbray.

I went to see the goslings that I hatched earlier in the summer, can't really call them goslings now as they have grown so much! :eek: They look fab and are very happy at the farm, even the runt that I had to help out of the egg made it!

Did they recognise you?
Hello & Help !

I have a lethargic chick that I've seen being slow for a couple of days.
She's 12 weeks old and has been running with all the other girls (11 chicks & 6 adults) the past week.

I brought her into the house today as she looked like she needed some support.

When I picked her up she vomited. I read a bit on here, and crop issues seem to be many and varied. I have tried 'emptying' her crop and successfully got her to regurgitate / vomit a yellowy green thick slime without her choking.

Her crop didn't feel or look full, so I had tried to help her eat and Earlier this evening I hand-fed (she's never let me that close before without running away) some boiled egg and water-soaked porridge mixed together. It wasn't that being brought up-just a slimy goo.

I'm not sure she's been eating or drinking today.

Should I let her eat and drink by herself? Should I be syringing water into her? How can I make sure she has food inside to keep her going if she's not eating ?

What would you do to help?

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