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Hello 3 of my 4 Pekin bantams have started laying but one of them hasn’t and she seems unwell today and I wondered what you thought it might be? I noticed pale green diarrhoea in the coop these last couple days but they all seemed well. It’s only in one spot so it must only be this one hen. Today she’s hiding under the trampoline snoozing. Her tail is down but I’m not sure if she’s ‘hunched’ or just tired I haven’t come across this before only had them since last Easter. Her comb is still small and orange like last year so I don’t think she’s laying. I think the other 3 are all laying and their combs are bigger and bright red.
Do I treat for worms first? What should I use and if I treat them all how long do I stop eating eggs? Thank you xxxx
Sorry slight update. She was walking around with the others and looked totally fine!! So I followed her and it wasn’t long before she was sleeping again so she’s definitely tired but can walk ok. I found a runny white poop with no sign of worms or blood in the poop, just white and watery.
just white and watery.
That suggests she is not eating - she should have the solid darker stuff too (which is the poo, the white is the 'wee'). Can you watch her if she is, I'd consider seperating her so you can keep a close eye on her inside or at least close by to you. Can you feel her heel bone and see how thin she is? I've read a great article about what it feels like in under / over weight or normal hens.
Thank you @PouleChick. I’ve been watching her today and she’s definitely eating but they’re freerange so it’s tricky to see how much but she’s definitely pecking around. She’s sleeping a lot too in between. She’s really big compared to the others. I wondered if she’s too fat? I’ll keep a closer eye tomorrow and see what she’s up to.
Thank you @PouleChick. I’ve been watching her today and she’s definitely eating but they’re freerange so it’s tricky to see how much but she’s definitely pecking around. She’s sleeping a lot too in between. She’s really big compared to the others. I wondered if she’s too fat? I’ll keep a closer eye tomorrow and see what she’s up to.

You can tell if they've eaten enough by checking the crop at bed time. It should be firm, but not hard, and fill the palm of your hand quite well. In the morning it should be empty. If you check a few hours after bedtime it will feel smaller and harder, as some of the contents will have moved to the gizzard.
My poorly girl is in distress and I feel so uneqipped to help her. She’s spent the morning in the coop. Stumbled out just now. Had a few sips of water. Head butted the food but didn’t eat. Staggered back into the coop. She’s all lopsided. What do I do?
My poorly girl is in distress and I feel so uneqipped to help her. She’s spent the morning in the coop. Stumbled out just now. Had a few sips of water. Head butted the food but didn’t eat. Staggered back into the coop. She’s all lopsided. What do I do?
Oh no! Have you given her a good check over? Crop - full / empty / feel normal? Any swelling in the abdomen? Vent area look normal? Breathing? Bad breath? You need to separate her straight away - if she has something contagious you don't want the others getting sick too. Pics? Your best bet will be to post in the emergency area after doing a thorough check over on her as they will want to know the things I've asked (and probably more!) as the experienced illness peeps keep a good eye over there and you may get more replies. Sending lots of :hugs:hugs:hugsand hoping she'll make it.

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