Ultrasonic Repellents


Jun 7, 2020
After years of avoiding a rat problem in my shed/ coop, I now have an infestation! Ugh! I went out late last night and played an ultrasonic rat repellent sound that I found on YouTube, and omg, it worked! I had two rats run straight by my feet and out of the coop! This never happens. They find places to hide and we almost never see them.

Will the sounds bother my hens? I would hate to put a high frequency sound deterrent in the coop and have it stress them out!
Not going to work other than for the dude selling the devices.

For the best advice, search for Howard E.'s posts and find the one about rat 101 or something like that. I posted a link to it on a few of the recent rodent posts here in predators and pests a few days ago so dig around and you will find it.

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