Um, who returns a half starved molting chicken? (update/more pictures)

He's probably right. Sigh.
When I was little, and we lived in Guatemala, my mom's fawn bouvier was stolen. Someone unlatched the gate and took him out of the front yard. He was missing for quite some time and one day a guy shows up and says "I found your dog." He was severely underweight. He had gone on a hunger strike after he was taken. The guy brought him back because he didn't want him to starve himself to death.
Well she was short of six pounds I'd be surprised if she's all of three now, she's also in a hard molt.

Maybe they didn't want her to die...

I have all of my gate locked (too bad the fence is four feet high...) and locks of the two coop doors, going to put chin locks inside the egg doors so like a car hood/bonnet you have to open it a little and run your hand on the inside to open it.

I've also posted a "No Trespassing" sign
Now that she's home and being cared for and fed AND in a hard moult. When that's over egg laying will return and eggs will be bigger.
"Always look on the bright side of life"
BigDaddy'sGurl :

On second thought, you know what could have happened? Seems far-fetched but hear me out: maybe the day the bunnies got out Minnie did too. Perhaps a neighborhood kid or kids found her. Maybe they took her home and have had her all this time? Maybe they realized the trouble chickens can be, or maybe they got found out hiding a chicken, or maybe they got bored and brought her back? They may have known all along that the bird was probably yours but thought it would be fun to keep since they "found" it anyway? Just a thought as to a too would explain the weight loss...if someone totally ignorant to caring for a chicken tried to keep her...

that is what had occurred to me too.... knowing the personality of our alpha RIR, it is possible- she is fairly tame and easy to pick up- is your minnie that way? glad she is home!

yep, give her some special foods, scrambled eggs, vitamins and a warm bubble bath- such a special girl!​
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I'm not removing her from the pen when I've had zero issues with her "reintroduction" my best guess is it was done in the black of night and chickens can't count any better then we can when it comes to chicken math...

you know the only reason I got 4 BCM chicks was to replace her?

Now she's suddenly back!!

She is getting special food and she's bottom hen... to tired and hungry to complain today.

Update until she lays again...

Hate to say it but I think pet/animal theft is one of the most common out there. People steal all kinds of regular pets all the time and the only time it's noticed is if it's a pet store or such that caught the theif on tape or the owner actually witnessed the theft. People just think their pet wandered off or something so it is almost never reported.

A guy I worked with a few years ago had their family dog stolen by some little kids down the street. They figured it out after a month or so and spent a week trying to work it out with the neighbors directly. The kid's mom either didn't notice the dog or didn't care that it was stolen. He finally got the dog back by calling the cops on her. They didn't file charges but the kids got a stern talking to, the mom got a lecture on responsibility for her kids. The dog immediatly was scheduled for a bath and clip at the vet. It was a maltise or malti-poo if I remember right and came back filthy and matted.

The only weird part of Minnie's story is that they returned her. That makes me think it was kids or teens or just someone that's not mentally mature. They see a beautiful bird that they want for whatever purpose (eggs, prank, whatever) and then when she's not pretty anymore (finally recognizing maybe that they've done something wrong care wise?) they bring her back just hoping that returning her cosmically fixes everything.

Just my theory. The locks are definantly a good idea.
She is fertile but by whom, I guess my boys have had enough time with her- but I wonder...

Going to act like she got into poison, and withdraw from her eggs for 2 weeks- just to be safe- tho I don't think she was fed at all.

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