Umbilical cord on chick


Nov 20, 2020
Hello i have a baby chick that hatched this morning under my hen and it still has an umbilical cord attached. Its not looking to healthy either what can i do? I will post pics


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That looks like a ruptured unabsorbed yolk sack. You can try keeping the chick in a clean, warm environment and slathering it with antibiotic ointment, but sadly the prognosis is not good.
I am gonna put it in an incubator by its self. Can i tie it off and cut it
I am gonna put it in an incubator by its self. Can i tie it off and cut it
It's not like a human umbilical cord. The whole thing is supposed to end up inside them. If you've hatched other eggs, you'll notice that they didnt leave a similar thing behind... that's because theirs absorbed all the way and is inside them now.
So mama took it off and ate it. I gave it water and i am soaking alittle food. I just found out this baby have 5 toes. I am wondering what are the odds it lives?
Your mama must have been awfully hungry to eat that!

It is going to need energy. Here is a recipe for the next few days. It is lacking vitamins though. You may have to give it with a dropper. Put some antibiotic ointment (without the pain medicine in it) or vetericyn on it for the next few days.
Your mama must have been awfully hungry to eat that!

It is going to need energy. Here is a recipe for the next few days. It is lacking vitamins though. You may have to give it with a dropper. Put some antibiotic ointment (without the pain medicine in it) or vetericyn on it for the next few days.
Lol she is a new mother hen. And i will go to store and get electrolyte

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