Unique Situation - need info or links to resources please.


8 Years
Aug 16, 2011
San Diego
My physically disabled Cayugan duck, Abby, has been improving so much that she had been laying eggs like crazy. After she laid 25+ eggs she was looking rather haggard and I got worried. Another BYC member that lives in the area gave me some fertilized eggs to give to Abby since she was being so broody. For 2 weeks she did great but then she started having extremly loose stools and couldn't get out of the nest in time for them. I had to keep cleaning out her nest and moving the eggs. Now she isn't being so broody and still messing on the eggs. I was worried that the potential ducklings were in danger so brought them inside under a heat-lamp. My questions are:

Is this behavior at all normal for ducks and have I been over-reacting?

How do I safely clean the soiled eggs?

Can anyone reccomend a link to home-made brooders and care of eggs?

Thank you all so much for your help.

What do you mean by physically handicapped? I don't think a heat lamp is going to do it. Do u have a incubator that you can put them in? As for the eggs being soiled most don't wash them it washes off the protective coating. You could also go to the duck forum and ask the duick experts. Good luck Michele
Abby has lead poisoning and moves around like a stroke victim. She can stand on her own now which is a big deal for her. She is weaker with her left side than the right.

We don't have an incubator but are going to go out and look for one. I looked at the BYC build your own info and got some moisture in the box as well but don't think it will be enough, either.

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