Unknowingly Purchased Sick Chickens


In the Brooder
Jul 21, 2022
Hi guys. 4 days ago I bought a pair of Black Copper Marans. Both 7 months old.

I always keep new chickens in quarantine for 2 weeks. Glad I do. They are currently in my bathroom shower.

The rooster in the pair has been sneezing and gurgling. The hen is fine, no signs of sickness yet.

I've been treating with vetrx, electrolytes, nutridrench and giving fish antibiotics. But no signs of getting better....
They are both eating and drinking fine, no swollen faces, no blockages in mouth, no runny noses, eyes normal, combs both bright red. Been giving garlic, thyme, oregano and water in food for a mush!

Should I cull to keep my flock healthy? I've never had a sick chicken yet. And no local vets for chickens to check him over.

If you vote no, please give me stuff to do for them! I want to keep them forever lol
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Sorry. Penicillin 250 MG. I've only given 2 doses of it.
Most respiratory infections are gram-negative infections or mycoplasma, and penicillin treats gram-positive infections and does not treat mycoplasma. Can you get any Tylan 50 from a feed store?
Most respiratory infections are gram-negative infections or mycoplasma, and penicillin treats gram-positive infections and does not treat mycoplasma. Can you get any Tylan 50
That's another issue I'm having. No farm stores near me have any in stock. And all said unknown when they will get any. They have LA 200 but it's $90 in store and I can't pay that much currently! Any others you can think of?
I would give 0.07 ml per pound of bodyweight for 3-5 days. It's banned for use in poultry, but lots of people, myself included, still use it.

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