Unknown breed of bantam

It does bear a classic look, which makes things harder. ;) Definitely not a Silkie (skin would be black, legs would be feathered, and an extra toe on each foot), and not a Japanese (these have distinctively short, squatty little legs), though. :)

Thank you all. I think I may have figured out the gender of this one. It’s probably a cockerel! So far it has done its best to defend the others while they are terrified. I lowered my earphones into their area and they freaked out and hid except for 1: the mystery chick. That one ran up and tried to fight off the headphones. It was hilarious.
You're very welcome! :D
Possibly, since bantams are straight run (minus those from MPC) and there's a 50/50 chance. :) Confidence doesn't necessarily point to cockerel, though, some young pullets are as brave as they come. :lol: A lot of my boys were the most gentle, meek little fluffballs. ;)

You're very welcome! :D
Possibly, since bantams are straight run (minus those from MPC) and there's a 50/50 chance. :) Confidence doesn't necessarily point to cockerel, though, some young pullets are as brave as they come. :lol: A lot of my boys were the most gentle, meek little fluffballs. ;)

It’s for sure a boy! All the wing feathers are straight and we saw some more cock behavior today.
Going to have to wait a while on this one. Being clean legged narrows down the possibility's some but its hard to say for sure at this age.
I agree. 5/6 weeks is when the feathering comes in really nicely and we should be able to get a good idea by then; we can really only make guesses for now :confused:
Does this help narrow it down: today I spotted a little brown dot on the top of his head, the wing feathers are growing in white, and I think I see the start of some black feathering around the eyes.
Leghorn or Modern Game? So far there is no comb, its just flat space where it is supposed to be

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