Unknown breed started laying


Jun 8, 2020
Saskatchewan, Canada
I have a flock of 7: One 20-week old "Ameraucana" EE, two 18-week old silkies, and four 25-week old white leghorns. Somebody just started laying eggs every other day this week, which was very exciting! They were olive green in color, so I thought it must be the EE. Well, to my surprise this morning, there were TWO eggs in the nesting box. I checked my "chick cam", and saw that they were, in fact, laid by the "leghorns" Needless to say, I was very surprised. I guess the "leghorns" must be a cross of some type, so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas. I had posted pics when they were 10-weeks old, but none of the suggestions are known for laying olive eggs. Interested in hearing some guesses. Thanks!

This weeks haul

Pullets (doing the flamingo haha)

Pullet that laid today (silkie and EE in background)

Cockerel (note the green legs and feet)
Not Leghorns, because the eggs are not white (you're right about that!)
Also because Leghorns have single combs, while those birds appear to have pea combs.

I think Ameraucanas can come in white, but if they were Ameraucanas they would have obvious beards, which they don't.

I've seen some hatcheries listing "Frost White Legbars," but Legbars have crests on the heads, and yours don't.

I think you've got some white Easter Eggers there, because I don't know of any pure breed that looks like that and lays green eggs.

Maybe someone's been doing a project with Ameraucanas and Chanteclers? :lol:
Because your birds remind me of both of those breeds, while being a bit wrong for either.
I guess I just assumed that Easter Eggers are usually small, and these birds are what I would say "large".

A lot of Easter Eggers seem to be wanna-be Ameraucanas, with some Leghorn mixed in so they lay better. That does tend to make for small birds.

But Easter Egger is a catch-all term for birds that lay blue or green eggs. (About as precise as calling something a "brown egger" or a "white egger.") So yours are big, white Easter Eggers.
I have a flock of 7: One 20-week old "Ameraucana" EE, two 18-week old silkies, and four 25-week old white leghorns. Somebody just started laying eggs every other day this week, which was very exciting! They were olive green in color, so I thought it must be the EE. Well, to my surprise this morning, there were TWO eggs in the nesting box. I checked my "chick cam", and saw that they were, in fact, laid by the "leghorns" Needless to say, I was very surprised. I guess the "leghorns" must be a cross of some type, so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas. I had posted pics when they were 10-weeks old, but none of the suggestions are known for laying olive eggs. Interested in hearing some guesses. Thanks!

This weeks haul
View attachment 2424229

Pullets (doing the flamingo haha)
View attachment 2424230

Pullet that laid today (silkie and EE in background)
View attachment 2424235
Cockerel (note the green legs and feet)
View attachment 2424231
love the flamingo! :lol:

i would think the silkie is not pure because the feathers are different though

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