Unknown chick breed.. any guesses??


7 Years
Jul 17, 2012

This was suppose to be a blue andelusion... Doesnt look like it to us.. Any guess what it could be?? If it helps its hatchery stock
The reason we question it is the feet are orange.. Blue andelusion feet should be dark, not orange
They have black legs as adults, but when they're young they are an orange-ish color like in this picture here

what i meant is they have at least some black on their legs i have two when i first got them they had black washed legs already, they faaded a bit, and now they are getting darker as they age.
Well, they're hatchery stock. Can't expect them to conform to breed standards.

Could be a black australorp, from what you're saying. Not very obvious from this pic, it has pretty pink legs, no black.

This was suppose to be a blue andelusion... Doesnt look like it to us.. Any guess what it could be?? If it helps its hatchery stock

Not a very good picture but as you might be able to see my hatchery BLue Andalusian chick looked very much like yours.

This is when she was 13 days old

This is her at about 3 months.

I don't have any more recent pictures at the moment, but she has turned out to be a very pretty girl and lays about 5 eggs a week.

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