Unknown plant from a bouquet

Jul 22, 2021
2 years ago my husband bought me a bouquet of flowers and in it was this clipping and idk the name of it. I removed the other flowers long ago when they wilted but this one didn't change so I left it in water and after a few months it still looked fresh as if it was just plucked so I've left it in a glass on my counter and here we are 2 years later. It has not rooted once in all this time but it hasn't died either, it's just started looking a little yellow but I'm not sure if that's because I haven't been able to get it much sunlight through the winter. On the bottom of the leaves a little nub grows out of it and then dries and falls off and then a new nub regrows. It hasn't grown new leaves as long as I've had it either. A few days ago I tried putting it in water with a little cinnamon in it as I've read cinnamon can the effect of a root stimulating hormone. Can anyone help me identify what this plant is and give me some tips on how I can get it to root, I've never seen something survive this long in just water without growing any roots, I've added some pictures of the plant with some close ups of the little nub under the leaves.
The plant is Spineless Butcher's-broom (Ruscus hypophyllum L.) and is commonly used in floral arrangements. It may be turning yellow from lack of nutrients that would be present in soil but are not present in just water. In order to get it to root you would probably need to cut a small amount off of the stem to create a fresh cut and use a rooting hormone. Cinnamon will not act as a rooting hormone but does have antimicrobial properties that can help protect the cutting from bacterial growth.

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