Unknown Predator.

Found some more evidence when I went over there. They already disposed of the bodies of the chickens, unfortunately. However, I did find a lot of evidence. I believe it is a raccoon.

Here is the run. Covered, everything is closed off EXCEPT for a spot I found.


Here is the crime scene.


Close to the crime scene, I found this part of the run that can be pushed open. There are a lot of feathers on the other side near here. This leads me to suspect that the culprit is getting in and out through here.


Here is the exact location of that spot.

There’s also a trail of feathers outside the run.

I’m pretty sure it’s a raccoon, but I’m gonna set up my trail camera tonight to be sure.

In a previous post, I said that they were finding the chickens dead in the coop. I apologize, that was a mistake on my end. I meant to say dead in the RUN.
Are they locking the birds up inside the coop at night? That's usually when racoons feed, but they'll do it in broad daylight, too, if hungry enough.
Are they locking the birds up inside the coop at night? That's usually when racoons feed, but they'll do it in broad daylight, too, if hungry enough.

I’m not sure. I’ll have to ask them when I get a chance. I do know the chickens do go into the coop.

I just installed the trail camera. If it comes back, we’ll know by tomorrow morning.

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