Unlimited access to food?

We give all our ducks unlimited access to food and water EXCEPT when we pen them up at night. Otherwise their bedding would be trashed VERY quickly.
Yeah, I use the black rubber feeders, they are virtually indestructible
I have a couple different sizes. I have a pan that sits near my porch for scraps to go. I feed peas by hand and salad greens go either in their pool or in the scraps pan, depending on how busy I am.

yes we have those as well, there livestock bowls/pans.. we have some for the horses so i know first hand they survive plenty of abuse lol

Same here
Thanks for all the replies! I went to the feed store and got me one of those rubber tubs. So excited. I am curious to see if I will go through food faster or slower now. This has been kind of a stress for me, wondering if I am overfeeding or underfeeding, so this is going to be so nice.

Again, I appreciate all the responses!


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