unpopular chicken opinions??

But surely you think my Frizzle is amazing 😉
egyptian fayomis , rhole island reds and welsummers are really annoying

I've never had Fayoumis or Welsummers, but I kind of agree with the RIRs. I love my RIR Maisie, but she is mean and hates everyone. She has pecked me, hard, on several occasions.
But, she was also best friends with a BR I had named Oreo who had a hernia. When Oreo got really sick with EYP, I separated her from the flock and brought Maisie with her to keep her company. Then, one day, I heard Maisie yelling from the garage where I had them in a pen. I ran to see what was wrong, and I found Oreo collapsed on the floor. She died a few hours later.
Maisie not only kept Oreo company in her last days, but she also told me when Oreo wasn't doing well. I really love Maisie for that.

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