unpopular chicken opinions??

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View attachment 2515489
Here is Mr. Topknot, do you like his duplex comb and few crest feathers? He hatched from a green egg, so that makes him an Easter Egger. Parents on site where I got fertile eggs included black-breasted red Polish and white/brown bearded Ameraucana crosses. Mr. Topknot is the sire of Red Phoenix (blue wheaten) who is hatched from a squashed egg, but that’s another story. :jumpy :love
He's very handsome! Do you have a thread about his hatch? A squashed egg? Oh my! What a gift he is!
VERY unpopular opinions:
Just because someone doesn't have the EXACT coop-to-run ratio does not mean their chickens are unhappy
10-12 hens per roo should be a guideline not a rigid rule. It depends on the roo.
I totally agree. Really these "rules" are intended for newbies who really don't know enough not to get themselves into trouble by wanting ten chickens in that Tractor Supply prefab. The reality, as I've found it, is that the bigger you go, the less the rules apply. 10 chickens in a space meant for 5 is too much. 20 in a space for 10 is probably too much, too. When you get to 50 in a space for 25, it's not quite as big a deal. 100 in a space for 50 is probably not a problem at all (never gotten to that point myself!) because space for 50 chickens is a hell of a lot of space. It's not like they're drawing lines on the ground and daring one another to cross them. In a 200 square foot coop, there are probably spaces the chickens never use at all.

And the rooster thing, again, for beginners who want to keep every roo they raise. I have one roo and 34 hens. I might like to have a second, but conflict between roos makes it more trouble than it's worth, and there are always cockerels coming up if I needed a replacement. He gets the job done, for all of them. At the same time, I have two bantam roos that live together, surrounded by all those hens, and they don't fight. But feed either of those scenarios to someone who's desperate to keep that crowing chick and they use it as proof they should keep him, when 99% of the time I think it's better not to. For those two situations, I've eaten, sold or given away a hundred others, probably, including some I really liked. It just wasn't worth the trouble. Heck, I don't even really love the idea of the two banty boys since they aren't giving anything back!
His first picture looked like he belonged in labyrinth

And if you look at the online review of Labyrinth from Allan L from a year ago, he compares the movie to life lessons where you advance a level/level up in your experience. Allan L said the bird scene didn’t make sense; I believe that may be the life lesson where things do not make sense and you are simply supposed to try to survive.

Chicken keeping has been a series of life lessons. RIP Bowie. @ 1983 Serious Moonlight concert.

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