unpopular chicken opinions??

ok here’s my final opinion just to get back on track. i feed my chickens bread probably 1-2 times a week. they love it, i love it, it’s a win win and i’m exhausted with people telling me they should never be eating bread, mine are fine and it’s usually a special treat for them, ofc everyone is different but at least in my case bread is great, especially the carbs in the winter
I agree.
Unpopular opinion: turkeys are not friendly and dog-like. They are obsessive and if they were not clumsy as hell, many more would have serious problems keeping them.

I'm not not keeping them, but I recognize my tom's sneaker dance for what it is: he wants to either seduce or stomp that sneaker and apparently he thinks about nothing else.
I said in a chicken FB group that I’d rather cull a rooster than make him wear a no-crow collar and as we say over here, that went down like a lead balloon :lol:
i was considering a no-crow collar for the longest time but i feel like i’d honestly be really sad having to see my boy with a collar on all day every day. i don’t know how anyone with a good concise can look at that and not feel kinda bad for the poor guys
Something that most people don’t believe is that chickens are very smart. Chickens can be taught many things but it just takes time.
Quail are too! my girls learned that if they act like they're hurt, they get extra mealworms. Suddenly all of my birds have some sort of illness that goes away after they get extra attention lol.
i was considering a no-crow collar for the longest time but i feel like i’d honestly be really sad having to see my boy with a collar on all day every day. i don’t know how anyone with a good concise can look at that and not feel kinda bad for the poor guys
The collars are cruel. I had them on my boys for about a week, and they did work to reduce volume. But after a week, their comb and wattles started turning purple (meaning lack of oxygen). To work properly, they have to actually CHOKE the rooster. Tried it once, never again.
I said in a chicken FB group that I’d rather cull a rooster than make him wear a no-crow collar and as we say over here, that went down like a lead balloon :lol:
Some (many) of the people on the various FB groups are freaking NUTTIER than a fruitcake! Just like the ones that complaining about their turkeys attacking them. When someone recommends freezer camp, they say" but he is a pet". I don't kow about YOU, but I do NO allow my pets to attack me. I don't take that crap from horses or cattle,(And that includes stallions and bulls.) I am NO taking it from a BIRD! Course I treat my birds like BIRDS and not dogs with feathers!
i was considering a no-crow collar for the longest time but i feel like i’d honestly be really sad having to see my boy with a collar on all day every day. i don’t know how anyone with a good concise can look at that and not feel kinda bad for the poor guys

I've used them before, and if used properly they do make the crow quieter while at worst confusing the heck out of your rooster. The problem is too many people think that they actually make them stop crowing (probably because of the name of them) or make them too tight. While some roosters may find them uncomfortable enough to stop crowing, I doubt that is the norm. It mainly just makes it where they can't get to their top volume, which makes them less loud than a hen singing her egg song...but it's still loud enough that people can tell it's a rooster making that sound. I think people unfamiliar with chickens should definitely avoid them, because the difference between a rooster getting used to wearing the thing and a rooster that's having some trouble breathing cause you put it on too tight can be difficult to distinguish if you aren't familiar with their behavior. It requires a lot of patience and careful observation to do it right, and I just don't know if most of the people that want or need such a thing are properly equipped to use them.

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