unpopular chicken opinions??

me???? i said that???? it’s like 200 pages back but what i was basically saying is that i don’t like it when people think a bird isn’t worth anything if it’s not up to breed standards. like my chickens all come from various feed stores (yes i mean tractor supply) but that doesn’t mean that they can’t be good worthwhile birds
I don’t think that’s what people mean. But they aren’t going to match the standard which is why people say “low quality“ doesn’t have anything to do with the bird itself. But it’s not gonna win any awards no matter how much you want it to.
I have no problem with mixed breeds. I think there fun and I thinks it’s awesome to see what cool features they have. One reason why I love Easter Eggers (Unless they are called Ameraucanas. Can’t accept an EE being called an Ameraucana.)

My entire flock is mutts except for one particular Cochin, and she’s not even Close to as sweet as my Cochin mutts.

My rooster is a mutt and while he won’t win any awards I think he’s the most handsomest, best rooster in the whole wide world.

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