unpopular chicken opinions??

No, I know that. It's because there isn't enough fat on them to keep you alive. Believe it or not, you need fat to stay alive in the long run.

But nnnits still good and a great meat if you're trying to lose a little weight
There is enough fat if you eat the organs and the fat under the skin and around the kidneys. Their muscle isn't marbled like most other animals, but rabbits do have fat. Even wild rabbits.
my unpopular chicken opinion is that if your rooster is loud and you live in a residential/suburban area, even if it is allowed by zoning, you should rehome or cull him, please be considerate of your neighbors and save yourself the noise complaint
We aren't zoned for roosters, but some neighbors have them. I always ask immediate neighbors when we're ready to get new birds if they're (still) ok with us having backyard chickens since we live in a pretty densely populated suburb. They actually want us to get roosters because they like the sound (!) We don't have any currently because our Fayoumi is so loud (she out-screeches any of your rooster's crows, I guarantee), but still I would feel bad about the 24/7 noise.
I agree with this to an extent. In my opinion a rooster is no worse than a noisy dog. If you have a dog that won’t stop barking I don’t think it’s okay to complain about your neighbors rooster.
my aunt had a neighbor who never took care of his dog at night he barked well into the early hours of the morning. she ended up fighting with the town to get the dog to shut up, and i’d rather not have to do that with a rooster. plus my thinking only applies to roosters who crow either all through the day, or late at night, especially if they’re loud. if you didn’t warn your neighbors you were getting a rooster/chickens then it’s in you when they complain
There are wild ones in certain places where I live, the sound is hilarious.
did you know they grow on trees?

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