Unreal amount of eggs

Thanks to all for your sincere apologies. My wife, Mrs.OP, posted our egg problem on another forum and got some interesting replies. As an example one poster said he had 16 hens and got 20 eggs. There are several posts along those same lines.

It seems 2 eggs per day from 1 hen is not the "Red Sea" miracle some here have suggested. Looks like we have all learned a little from my girls.

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Guinness book of world records.....1 hen laid 7 eggs in 1 day. I have also posted a link to another website we posted on where others had had similar experiences (2 eggs a day). Waiting on moderator to clear the post as it contains a link and we are new to this site. I was glad to see we were not the only ones experiencing this.
It's possible, especially with newly laying hybrids bred for high production like the sexlinks.
Are all the eggs whole with thick shells?

I had a couple pullets lay 2 eggs in one day a couple times at onset of lay, but one was usually a thin or softshell.
...and I've read other stories of 2 eggs in a day from 1 bird, again usually at onset of lay.

Hopefully it's short lived as it's probably not a good thing in the long run for a bird to produce that much.
Aart, I was thinking it wasn't good for them also, hence my post. I just got rid of 1 mean rooster this morning and introduced a well mannered 1 year old roo. Maybe the shock of a new flock leader will slow them down. All the eggs I got were perfect except one that had a break in the shell.
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There are probably some eggs you didn't find before, and you think they're from a certain day. I know that is confusing. What I'm saying is, maybe you neglected to get some eggs and you're just finding them now. Hope this helped!
Nope. Gather eggs every day myself. This happened 2 days in a row. 21 one day and 27 the next. Now they have settled down to 12-18 eggs a day. No more eggs on coop floor. I realize what happened was very unusual but it did happen. No mistakes in counting or missed days gathering eggs. No prankster neighbors and no spare rogue chickens running around.
Nope. Gather eggs every day myself. This happened 2 days in a row. 21 one day and 27 the next. Now they have settled down to 12-18 eggs a day. No more eggs on coop floor. I realize what happened was very unusual but it did happen. No mistakes in counting or missed days gathering eggs. No prankster neighbors and no spare rogue chickens running around.

It looks to be that a majority of your hens then are laying 2 eggs a day. Yes it can be bad because it can deplete their calcium from their bones. This is more common in sex links with calcium problems. I would make sure your girls are getting an increase in calcium levels and provided a nice mix diet for all their efforts. Were all your birds from the same place?
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It looks to be that a majority of your hens then are laying 2 eggs a day. Yes it can be bad because it can deplete their calcium from their bones. This is more common in sex links with calcium problems. I would make sure your girls are getting an increase in calcium levels and provided a nice mix diet for all their efforts. Were all your birds from the same place?

Wow!,thanks! One of the few replies that addressed my concerns and didn't question my sanity or math skills. I am baking and crushing eggshells (30 shells = about 1 cup) and giving bone meal. I give about a cup every 3 days. They consume it all so I may need to up the allotment. Thanks for the informative reply! I'm feeding 16% layer pellets and they free range 1/2 day almost every day. I ordered all my birds from Strombergs.
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