Unsuccessful Incubation

If you aren't experienced in candling, what you might be calling a floating mass is the live chick. On Day 18, it will look like the "lights are out" and will be dark except for the air sac-- seems to me yours are ALIVE. Let 'em hatch! Make sure your humidity is HIGH on the last 2-3 days. It can't be too high at hatch time!
Yep just let them be and have Hum 55% 60% 65% and they will hatch on their own. Best to leave them alone.
Good Luck
Leave them and wait; you may be surprised when they all hatch. I usually say to myself on Day 18, they are either all dead or they are all alive. Sometimes it can be difficult to know what you are seeing. It is worth waiting 3 more days.

You have a good pic?

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