Update - Euthanized her -Don't know what to do - think she's gonna die

I had put her out in the flock during daytime cause she seemed to like to better. That was fine however she grew bigger and wasn't really able to move. So at night, while she was groggy, I held her and cut her neck. She hardly bled she was so dehydrated. After she was gone, which was very quick, I opened her up and out came about 2 or 3 cups of clear yellow liquid. The remainder of her body was wasted and emaciated. RIP little Phyllis.

I am so sorry for your loss.
I'm so sorry. Sounds like my Olivia from this thread: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=362422

yolk peritonitis/internal laying is very common among high production types, especially. I'm sorry you had to let her go, but trust me, this wasn't something you could fix. Been there so many times already myself with the same issue.
It sounds like you relieved her of her suffering, but it's hard to lose a chicken.

I have been reading about internal laying quite a bit on BYC threads lately, her symptoms do fit the condition.
Thank you all for your help and understanding. I was out there today and one of her buddies from the time she was a baby seemed to be looking for her. I felt so badly.

On an upbeat note I've got 2 broody hens and they're sitting on eggs. hatch 1 is May 4th and the second hatch is 21 days from today.

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