UPDATE! not paranoid!... keeping RE buyers from casing my place?

I wouldn't have allowed this if I could legally avoid it, but you have given permission. I would not let anyone see my guns -- if nothing else, they are a great temptation if there is a supposed buyer who is casing the place. (I would be sure any dogs were visible, though.) And I would not leave them alone, period. I would stay with them during the showing; I would not even allow them to get separated.
When buyers or any strangers come to your home you cannot leave them alone period or you gather all your valuables and put them away. I say this as we used to sell things from our home and people will show up and more than once I have caught people looking in my shop, looking around the inside of the house while the buyer was talking to my wife. I wear a gun at work sometimes and when I see this I take my coat off and display my pistol and it catches the guys eye that is casing me. I still sell chickens and the buyers never come to the house I will meet them near by.

OP, you have every right to be nervous as it is usually not the person invited but the friend that tags along that rips you off.
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because they want 80,000 more than it's worth... they're looking to get a specialty buyer, a pro dog breeder or a dog rescue because it's got a big kennel on it and they're trying to get someone who'll pay the high price because of the building and the fact that it's far enough out to not get neighbor complaints for barking. maybe they'll get it, but if I were buying in that price range, Id want 80,000 more land instead of the kennel.

Nothing in the world says you have to offer the owners 80k more than its worth.

I'd make them a legitimate offer, for what it is worth to me!

If that is their asking price minus 80k, so be it.

Your offer may be the only offer, only offer = best offer.
If you are in a state that lets you openly carry a sidearm in an around your home then do it. It sends a clear message. An no it is not harassment or interference as long as you are not threatening or rude.

Call the RE an tell her that you are letting them show the house while it is still yours as a curtsy. Pick a day an tell them it has to be on that day of the week an with appointment. That you will also escort them around the property. You could also inform them that you are normally armed when home an this will not be an exception.

When they show up, be armed. Do not touch it or even look down at it. As long as you are nice an show the property an dont make threats or draw the gun you will achieve your goal.
If you look an act like the gun is normal then they will think it is too. That will keep it from being an issue for the good guys an make it become a big issue for the bad guys.

It also helps to have a nice fitted to your gun Kydex holster an not some generic holster. No galkey guns ether. You want to look like an off duty cop not Jessy James.
If they're wanting to sell fast, that'll be their downfall. Thats where you come in.

Thats how I got the land and shop next door to me for a 1/4 of what the land owner was wanting. I even beat out a developer who could have potentially offered the woman a six figure offer...but they were taking too long. She needed money for her lawyer fees during a divorce. And I helped her out. Gotta love a nasty divorce!
well we will see how this proceeds. even at a resonable price, this isn't the place I'd really like to buy... it's serviceable, but not ideal for us so he'd have to go pretty far below the reasonable price to make it the right deal. I'm not opposed to a really good deal, but having lived here I *know* how much work this place needs. as much of a hurry as the owner is in, I think he's not going to want to give up the potential cas h that would require. he wants the big price, and he wants it now... time will tell how well that works for him. not really sure which of those things is the bigger driver.
thank you, that's a helpful take on where I started. I can do off-duty cop. I've got a nice police-style holster, and it's a glock, so it's a pretty standard cop-style effect. maybe I'll go pick up a shorter service-style jacket. most of mine are long and provide full coverage.
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It is a buyers market right now and here ion Oregon I seen 5 acres with a house and barn short sell for $80,000.00

I am currently logging 38 acres that is being foreclosed on for $90,000.00 owed with a single wide trailer and nice shop. I will be put up for sale soon.
yep, we do. and I did try to find some stats about how often this stuff happens. plenty of articles out there discussing it, but no stats. I'm sure you're right, the risk is small. however, how many folks do you know who've been attempted-carjacking twice and attempted robbery at gunpoint twice, follwed home once by a guy in in a pickup, once by a guy in a semi, and chased on foot? not to mention having their house broken into by meth heads? granted only the meth-head incident was where we live now, but perhaps it'll put some context on why I don't assume these things can't happen to me.
oh, and knows someone who was killed by Ted Bundy, plus worked with the guys who caught him...

seriously, stuff happens. no rose colored glasses for me, thank you.

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