Update on my flock! February 2022

Mar 31, 2021
Hey everybody this is an update on my flock which I started on February, 24 2021. So next Thursday it will be my 1 year chicken keeping anniversary! I cannot believe I will have had chickens for a year it feels like just yesterday. From my original flock four remain and 2 weeks ago we got a new addition. His name is Chewy and he is a partridge Silkie, I have included a photo of him,Buttercup, and Clover (the red one). I believe he is a rooster but I am not entirely sure. I do not know how old he is because I got him from a friend that bought him at an auction and they did not say his age. If you guys could tell me what you think it would be very helpful. In these images everybody in my flock but Amber (the ruler of the flock) is present. I was thinking of expanding my flock to bantam Brahmas or Cochins and was wondering if they would survive in my climate, I live in North Carolina and during the summer the average temperature is 75.5 to 85.5 degrees Farenheit and in the winter it's 44 to 50. But the lowest it gets in the winter is around 23 or 20 and in the summer the highest it gets is around 92 to 95. Thanks for helping me with my Silkie and my expanding flock situation.


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Congratulations of it almost being a year of having chickens!!! You have a beautiful flock!! It’s hard to tell the age of Chewy, better pictures would help!!
Congratulations on it being almost a yr. Yes they would survive I have bantams in Northern Ohio where it get below zero yours should fair the weather great

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