Update on the nest boxes....They are finished and installed!!


12 Years
Mar 1, 2008
Texas Gulf Coast
My girls were 16 weeks old yesterday; in anticipation of the big day fast approaching when we get the first egg, DH is building their nest boxes.

I went to town and got some fake eggs to put in the nests. I can’t wait…this is such a stupid thing to get excited over but I can’t help myself.

I’m a chicken nerd what can I say.

This is the work in progress:



DH finished and installed them on Saturday...I went down to the feed store and bought some fake eggs; one for each nest. The girls are really checking them out, one of the girls was sitting on a fake egg this morning but no eggs yet.


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Those are great, way nicer than my boxes. lol You never know when the girls are going to start laying so it doesn't hurt to be ready a bit early.
lol I got so tired of waiting for my dh to do something about nest boxes, i finally did them myself. I also built the roosts, pulled fence on the run, and the pasture, dug/pounded/cemented the t-posts for the unfenced portion of the pasture, etc. good luck.
You haven't seen them, so you might be impressed too soon. lol Nothing I've done could pass for contractor-worthy, but it gets the job done, and I don't think the birds carethat much what their roost looks like, so long as it's there.
I know what you mean, DH went to all the trouble to build roosts for them and they only use the roost as a ladder to get high enough to fly up into the rafters of the coop.
You are going to love it when you find that first egg. I was wondering and waiting for my chickens to give me eggs and today was the big day for me!
I found three eggs in the corner of the coop. They were small but they were all together and get this, no nest boxes yet. So keep your eyes open, your girls may suprise you.

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