UPDATE!!! Please Help! Twisting backward neck....URGENT!!!! PLEASE!!

the poop that looks like butterscotch pudding, or even mustard pudding, the colour range is very different -- is in the normal range, it is cecal poop. There is a site that I went to that had some very graphic pictures of all types of chicken poops, showing what is normal (and that is a huge huge range) and ones that are "bad". Check out this post on this forum

I guess the poop was ok.
Anyways, she is doing ok, I am still giving antibiotic (1 more day) and vitamin b and e twice a day and selenium every other day.
I have almost reached the end of my rope, she seemed to be doing well and now not so much.
I did notice an interesting observation though with this wry neck. I am going to see further.........
She only twists in the coop. I mean ONLY IN THE COOP. I open the door, she twists and falls her way down the ramp all twisted. She jumps up to run with the others slightly tilted and then completely normal for the ENTIRE DAY.
I also noticed that if I turn the flurescent light off all night and only have a red bulb and a string of led christmas lights, she is fine the next morning. I was leaving the flurescents on all night because in cold temps it does not willingly come back on.
Today, also they had to stay inside all day due to weather and the flurescents were on all day. She is in pretty rough shape tonight, but not as bad as the first week. We are now at about 4 weeks!
I am going to try to not use flurescents for the next couple days. Maybe it is a dumb theory but I think it might be connected.
i dont think that is a dumb theory at all. I specifically dont use floresents in my coops because of the strobe effect they cause and I was once told that it was bad for chickens. it may be something like epelepsie who knows. I hope things get better with them off.

Also you always want your chooks to have some dark time, it is part of the circadian rythum (sp?) that all living beings need to survive well. 14 hours is plenty of light to lay and the rest it should be dark, imo of course

Good luck, to me you mat have discovered the problem, at least I hope so!

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