Update - Please look at pics - Treatment for Fowl Pox?


13 Years
Mar 15, 2011
Fort Worth, Tx
My Hen Penny has several small black spots on her comb and based on looking at pictures online, I am pretty sure it is fowl pox. I had another hen that had 2 very, very small spots a couple months ago. I put betadine on them and they went away. The ones one Penny now are larger and more.

Does Betadine work to get rid of the spots? Is there any other remedies out there?

Should I be worried that this could make he very sick?

Thanks for any advice!
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There is nothing that you can do to get rid of it. Dry pox will go away in a couple of weeks or so with no treatment needed. Wet pox can be deadly but not always. You can do a search on here for different approaches but I just left mine alone.
I have had really good success with Listerine mouth wash! You just get a cotton ball wet with mouth wash and then dab it on the spots a couple of times a day and it should clear up with in a week or so. I have had mild cases clear up with in like 2 days. For wet pox I use Listerine and Deramicyn to clear it up quickly.

Hope this helps,
How in the world do you get a chicken to let you look in her mouth or put medicine in there! I thought I was gonna break her neck just trying to get the meds on her comb! She was not having any of that nonsense
I have my younger sister hold the chicken wrapped in a towel and I put my thumb and index finger on either side of the beak. Then I gently force open their mouth by sliding my thumb into the inside of the beak. If you do it slowly you should be able to open its beak enough to put a syringe down. It also may take a few tries before she will let you open her beak, but keep trying.
I have had some very hard to deal with chickens too esp. a roo, just keep on trying!!

Hope this helps,
I had a hen that had it pretty bad on her comb and all she would do is stay on her roost. I showed her to my neighbor who has been raising chickens his whole life. He told me to put shoe polish on it every other day. I thought he was crazy but I did it. Sure enough, a week later you couldn't even tell she had it.
Update - So I called an avian vet and he told me to just let it run its course and separate her from the others. I thought well they are all showing spots (I only have 6) so i didn't bring her in. I have been putting beta-dine on the spots every day and they don't really look any better. This morning she was starting to get a spot on her eye lid and its supposed to rain for the next 3 day. That did it for me, I have prepared a chicken hospital in the garage and moved her in. She is making the saddest "why am I in here" noises.

She is eating ok (I gave her a can of tuna mixed with her food) and even sat down in the nest box I made for her. Here are some pictures. You guys let me know if you think she looks normal or if this is a bad case...
Still have not seen anything in her mouth and have not started her on any antibiotics. I don't want to medicate if I dont need to. Again, you guys tell me if you think I should...

Thanks BYC Peeps! This is my first time with a sick chicken and I want to make sure I am doing it right!


It's carried by mosquitos, so bringing one chicken in will not stop everyone from getting it. Let her be with her friends. They can only get it from her if they eat the scabs off her.

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