UPDATE!!scared!!HELP!!Think I might be loosing half my new babies...

Another suggestion would be to get the chicks in a larger area to give them room to move about. I have never liked using wood shavings in an aquarium for avian patients. All that dust they are breathing in will cause respiratory issues. Stick your head in the aquarium for 5 minutes. If you get runny nose and eyes imagine what those tiny chicks feel like. I prefer paper towels if chicks are to be kept in a smaller area with limited air circulation. This is more labor intensive as the paper must exchanged several times a day. Also shavings have a tendency to migrate to your water supply and contaminate it with possible toxins (especially if you are not sure of the source of wood shavings), and fecal material. Keep your water supply fresh at all times. Another idea might be to take a fecal sample to an avian veterinarian to see if the chicks have a parasite.

So sorry you are having such a time. Can be heartbreaking to have little ones die of an unknown cause.
I called every pet store and feed suplier in my area and they don't cary parrot formula, but they can special order it for me...since The shakey chicken seems much better now so I'm going to wait on that...Your mention of probiotics gave me the idea to give the babies some yogurt, my local TSC says they are sold out of "baby cakes" until next Thursday, until I do fully intend to get one of them to reduce pecking issues.

The chicks are older than the breeder told me thats almost deffinate, being that they are almost fully feathered...so they will be inside for only one more week then they are going outside with heat lamps. I sent fecal samples to my local agricultural school, and they had the ag students in their labs do tests, there was nothing apparent in the samples so we still don't know why Ren died but...I was able to get an almost identical chick from the same breeder (not that I'm happy with this guy) but...I don't want my 3year old to know one of her beloved baby chicks died...

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