update to my dog.

Throwing poison over the fence is a serious felony where I am...

Check with your local authorities.

Any reason why you suspect her for doing it?
he didnt make it.

the reason i think it was her is because every time i am outside, she is either watching me through her window or coming out to gripe at me for one thing or another. she had a legitimate gripe though, about my first dog digging under the fence, but i apologized and corrected it, or so i thought..but i also saw her messing around back there and it struck me as very odd. im not the only one who thought this either..but on the off chance i am wrong, i dont want to go and make a huge scene with her only to find out that she didnt do anything. the whole thing is just awful though, i would never do that to an animal and now my goats are outside crying for their dog
I'm so sorry

I'd have the vet run a toxicology on BOTH dogs - then get a soil sample. Of course, if the dog ate something poisoned, then it wouldnt be in the soil. Things to test for would be rat poison and antifreeze. Dogs LOVE antifreeze because its sweet - its also the number one killer of all animals roaming around because it attracts them.

I would mention to this neighbor that I have lost 2 animals and 1 chicken in so many days, I would make mention that my dogs are being tested for poisoning (even if you dont test them...say you are) and if so found to be the case, criminal charges will be filed once the person is caught and that the police are on notice and will be watching the neighborhood and your house carefully and something like "you know, I just dont understand why someone would do such a thing Animal cruelty is punishible by severe jailtime not to mention monitary fines in the thousands, and when they catch who did this, I will press charges immediately." I'd do this in a "Oh, I think its worth mentioning so you can be on the lookout" type of manner. Not a direct accusation. HOWEVER - I would tell her that you are electrifying your fence to keep predators and people OUT of your property - and then do it. run a strand up top and see if that doesnt keep her nosy tail out of your business! Post signs and then put up those little fake cameras as well.... ALL OVER YOUR FENCE, YARD AND HOUSE pointing them in HER DIRECTION!!

I agree with the other poster - people that poison animals have a special place in hell reserved for them....
it just makes me sick..i mean, who could knowingly kill an animal like that?? i can see getting mad over the dog digging under the fence but he did it only a couple of times, and i did go over and tell her i was sorry and fixed the fence. the other dog never did a thing to her. they werent even that loud, as far as dogs go. i want so bad to hang a huge sign that says "thanks a lot, animal killer" on my fence since it faces her living room and she is constantly plastered to it..
but then again, i could be wrong! i am so glad that we are installing these cameras..i got so mad when he drug it all home because he already has a garage full of stuff but this time i think it will be very useful!!!
I just found this post. I am just sickened to read this. What a horrible thing to have happen. I agree there is a special place for people like that.
I can't begin to imagine how it would feel to lose both of our beloved dogs at once.
You poor thing, such a hard time for you and your family.

Please try and heed the advice given here. Try to somehow get proof. Do you have a friend that this woman might confide in, on tape?

Like you said, you could be wrong, but we usually have pretty good instinct when it comes to things like this. If you feel she could be this malicious, you are most likely right.

Please know you are in my thoughts and keep us posted.
thanks so much everyone, i am devastated..i thought he might make it since he was drinking water..
whats worse is that my shovel broke so i had to have animal control pick him up like he wasnt anything but trash.

they also said (animal control) to just try and get proof if she does it again, which we will do but also with our fence line changed, she wont be able to do anything.
i just hope im right about who it is!!
That is discusting
- I would hurt my neighbor-( or at least think about it)my animals are my children!-Can you get a still camera? a camera that takes pictures of whatever it is that moves in front of it? My friend had one set up to see if any deer were on his property-got great surprise photos-but you have to hide this camera-at walmart for like 100$ and I would -like another member mentioned tell her your getting toxicology reports on both dogs and your chicken to see what happened-make her poo herself with worry!! I'm so sorry!
Oh I am so sorry! Last Spring I hit and killed my DHs dog. He has had many dogs in his life but Sam was perfect. He would often say, I don't know how I will handle it when Sam dies.

Well imagine my horror when he was at work and I hit Sam. I was crying and shaking and didn't want to tell him. He was on a 3 day run (trucker
). It was warm out and I couldn't dig a hole. We have coyotes and anything we bury has to be very deep or it gets dug up and our dogs bring back to the house!

So I loaded up Sam and tearfully walked into the vets office. She knows us well, and knew me crying was not a good sign. I left him there and they" took care" of it. Which means they threw him away with the trash. I felt rotten about it and so guilty. Dh told me though that it was OK because he is in our hearts, it doesn't matter where his body went. I know this doesn't really help you, but just know I understand part of what you are feeling. You did what you could.

One more thing. We have a BYC member here that is a phenomenal artist. I emailed her several pics of Sam. I told her what he liked to do and things like that. She compiled the photos into a wonderful drawing. When I gave it to my DH he sat and cried, That 6 foot 2 inch, 300 lb big macho truck driver was moved by this picture. Her screen name is Guitarist. When you are feeling better, contact her. Maybe she could do a keepsake drawing of your "friends" together.

Hang in there.

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