UPDATE - You guessers were right! Not a Buff Brahma Bantam Hen


9 Years
Nov 21, 2010
New Castle, Colorado
This is Ethel. She is 12 weeks old. I thought she was a pullet, BUT she crows! And the darker feathers appearing on her back are glossy. Some of the feathers in her tail are iridescent. She is definitely in charge of our little flock. We have no adult roosters, and she is the oldest and largest of our flock, so is she a hen filling the role, or am I deluding myself? Is she really a he???







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Roo, crowing would be the deciding factor here, I can see why you thought he was a she though, seems to be developing a nice set of hackles, won't be long before the saddle starts appearing.
Thanks, Spikennipper. That is definitely NOT the answer I was hoping for. I should mention that Ethel's crowing is quite amateur - I am hoping that means she is not a roo, but maybe it just means that he is not yet grown up. Rats. Ethel is supposed to be my broody hen. S/he is very friendly, and so pretty.
I have a silver laced brahma I thought was a pullet until 14 weeks, still no crow but the saddle feathers give him away, his comb is still pretty small. I say you have a cockeral there ...
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He's a rooster. The comb is redder/bigger then my dark brahma girls who are 20 weeks. When roosters first start crowing, it will sound pretty pathetic at first, but with practice it will get better.
I thought I would post to let you know that you were all correct.
for your chicken knowledge!
for my broody hen plans.

"Ethel" has a new name: "Fred" and has been rehomed. He is now crowing and running the show at a different flock nearby. He is a very handsome fellow these days.

Thanks for taking the time to take a look.

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