Updated: Bantam rooster can't stand or walk!


In the Brooder
Apr 17, 2021
Last week, I made this post; this is a follow up.

We took him to the vet today, and she said it was Marek's disease, and gave him some steroids.
My mom still believes that this is NOT Marek's, so I don't know that to think. He also didn't show any other sympthoms os Marek's and we havent had any new diseased chickens either.

(we have been feeding him with the stuff we always give them, rolled seeds (corn, wheat and sunflower), he is eating and drinking fine.)
We did remove him from the chicken sling, bc the vet said it was unhealthy for long periods of time.

His left leg seems fine, but he seems unable to bend his right, and it seems a little odd too.
I attach photos below, so you can help me identify the problem.


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He needs to be on a complete chicken feed, either all flock/flock raiser or chick starter grower. The corn and wheat and sunflower is not enough protein nor has the balanced vitamins and mineral. I would get him on that, and go from there. Hopefully, it is not Mareks, but it still could be. If you should lose this fellow, I would send his body into your state vet for a necropsy and testing.
He needs to be on a complete chicken feed, either all flock/flock raiser or chick starter grower. The corn and wheat and sunflower is not enough protein nor has the balanced vitamins and mineral. I would get him on that, and go from there. Hopefully, it is not Mareks, but it still could be. If you should lose this fellow, I would send his body into your state vet for a necropsy and testing.
He is drinking vitamin water and I checked the feed and it has other stuff besides the seeds. We give him grated boiled eggs daily for protein.
He needs to be on a complete chicken feed, either all flock/flock raiser or chick starter grower. The corn and wheat and sunflower is not enough protein nor has the balanced vitamins and mineral. I would get him on that, and go from there. Hopefully, it is not Mareks, but it still could be. If you should lose this fellow, I would send his body into your state vet for a necropsy and testing.

+1 on this. I think the key phrase in the above is "...not enough protein nor has the balanced vitamins and minerals..." Our birds can get x, y, z from many different sources, but is the in the right balance?? Commercially available feeds provide that balance that free-ranging usually cannot...
How is your chick? I literally just did a post about what looks to be a very similar problem. My vet said it was most likely NOT Mereks disease due to the circumstances leading up to the problem.

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