updated- Now what do I do with it? Buff Brahma-how sick is he?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 27, 2010
Hi, I bought 6 chicks at Agway last Sunday, different breeds. They looked to be about 4 days old when we bought them. They're now about 2 weeks old. My only B Brahma is growing much more slowly than all the others (few feathers although the orp i bought is HUGE and has tons of feathers), and today I noticed one eye is shut. There is no crustiness, no sneezing, nothing bad except for the eye doesnt open at all. It is eating, drinking. It's milling about, although perhaps a tiny bit less so than the others. I picked it up to examine, and his legs are shaking like crazy. The other birds are fine, except one has kind of runny poop and I dont think it's the Brahma.
1) do brahmas grow more slowly than other breeds?
2) we handle them several times a day - our young kids, too. Could the chicks be stressed out from this- we are VERY gentle with them.
3) what should i do with the chick? dont think it's cold, we check temp often, its perfect 89 degrees under the lamp. should i try some sugar water?

Im new to chicks, want to do all I can to save it (oh WHY DID I ONLY BUY ONE BRAHMA???)

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update= i gave little brahma some sugar water, not drinking enthusiastically like i hoped. i have it in my shirt now, since shes shivering. i hope this helps. my DH is setting up another mini brooder so i can keep her separated from the rest
definitely keep him separated from the others, and make sure he has a good heat source. Could the others be pushing him to the outside of the heat source, thus making him get chilled? Also, some vitamins might help, and the sugar water was a good idea. It could be "failure to thrive" - which you will not be able to do much for - he just isn't a strong little bird. I add in a little oatmeal for my chicks every now and then as a snack - they love it, and it seems to help keep their poop the proper consistency. Just some ideas for you. I hope the little one makes it!
all chicks are on medicated starter, no blood in any poo, but like i said at least one chick has runny poo (brown). i want to isolate this one so i can inspect poo better.
ps- how can anyone carry a chick in their bra? i am apparently boob challenged...
You will notice brown runny poo - looks like melted chocolate - from time to time. It's called ceceal poo and is completely normal. Happens every 6 to 10 bowel movements.
Hope your little guy is just off to a rough start and will bounce back.
belgian- did your chicks suffer from runny poop? i was scared it could be coccy
i'll def try the oatmeal. thinking about giving brahma some scrambled eggs, what do you think?
brahma chick is now in separate mini brooder. she's eating a little, but not drinking on her own. she is breathing hard with her beak open, is this what you all mean by gasping for breath? i think i know the answer to that question...
shes laying down a lot seems to have no energy.

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